Monday, June 7, 2010

reply to paul sheehan's column June 7 SMH

Dear Editor
The columnist Paul Sheehan writing in SMH 7/6/2010 has outdone himself in the smear stakes. With not a trace of compassion for his fellow workmates at the Herald who were attacked and injured in international waters by heavily armed elements of the Israeli Armed Forces, he has launched into a bitter tirade against those in Sydney’s society who exercised their democratic right to protest against this atrocity.
When smearing the MUA for example Sheehan apparently believes along with Goebbels ‘if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe’. The Wharfies did not stop material going to the Australian soldiers in WW11. They attempted to stop Menzies from sending iron ore to Japan before WW11 and that is how he got the name ‘pig iron bob’. They argued at the time it would come back at us as bullets, bombs and submarines and they were correct. Such truth is not repeated by the likes of Sheehan just the nonsense mentioned above which is not true.
There is a pool of journalists who subscribe to the defend Israel regardless of what it does and ignores the atrocities and other crimes it commits. It is time that people like Sheehan put pressure on Israel to lift the barbaric blockade on Gaza, a strip of land where 1.5 million people live and allow humanitarian aid in. If Governments will not do it then it is left to civil society which includes unions to speak up and to go unarmed to the borders of Gaza by sea and land and pressure for the basics of human life to be let in namely food and building material. Tragically nine people lost their lives doing just that last week and people like Paul Sheehan are deliberately trying to dishonor their sacrifice.
Yours sincerely

Denis Doherty

Friday, May 14, 2010

Solidarity with the CFMEU on the occasion of fire attack

Andrew Ferguson

Dear Comrade Andrew,

We have tried without success to reach you by phone today - perhaps not surprising under the circumstances!

So we are emailing instead to convey the CPA's strong condemnation of last night's attack on the CFMEU office.

This is an outrageous attack on a union which has always stood in the forefront of campaigns for workers rights here in Australia and internationally.

We were relieved to hear that no workers were injured but are appalled by the destruction inflicted on parts of your building.

To acknowledge this proud fighting history and the solidarity your union has offered to so many, the CPA would be happy to assist in any way we can in helping to get the union on to its old footing as soon as possible.

Yours fraternally,

Dr Hannah Middleton
General Secretary
Communist Party of Australia

Iran executions statement cpa

To: Iranian Ambassador
Embassy of Iran in Canberra, Australia

Dear Sir,
The Communist Party of Australia condemns in the strongest possible terms the recent execution of five political prisoners, including teacher and trade unionist Farzad Kamangar, at the Evin prison in Teheran. The other victims of this crime were Ms Shirin Alam Hooli, Farhad Vakili, Ali Heydarian and Mehdi Eslamian.
A number of these prisoners had been held for years in prison and subjected to abuse including torture. They were never given their right to an open and fair trial.
We note that this outrage occurred near the first anniversary of the elections in which Ahmadinejad was installed as president amid widespread electoral fraud.
This was an undemocratic process that thwarted the will of the people, unleashed another wave of oppression against the political opposition, and generated an atmosphere of intimidation and fear.
We join those calling for an end to all executions of political prisoners and for the release of all political prisoners in Iran.
In no way do we support the enemies and would-be plunderers of Iran, but we wholeheartedly support the progressive forces in the country campaigning for human rights and peace and for a truly democratic future and peace for its people.

Yours Sincerely

Hannah Middleton
General Secretary
Communist Party of Australia

Monday, May 10, 2010

Stalin's Victory Speech at the end of war

This speech is worth reading to see how Stalin congratulates all on the victory over Nazi fascism.
Big Red Den

Victory Speech of J V Stalin
Broadcast from Moscow at 20 00 hours (Moscow time) on May 9, 1945

Comrades! Men and women compatriots!
The great day of victory over Germany has come Fascist Germany, forced to her knees by the Red Army and the troops of our Allies, has acknowledged herself defeated and declared unconditional surrender
On May 7 the preliminary protocol on surrender was signed in the city of Rheims On May 8 representatives of the German High Command, in the presence of representatives of the Supreme Command of the Allied troops and the Supreme Command of the Soviet Troops, signed in Berlin the final act of surrender, the execution of which began at 24 00 hours on May 8
Being aware of the wolfish habits of the German ringleaders, who regard treaties and agreements as empty scraps of paper, we have no reason to trust their words However, this morning, in pursuance of the act of surrender, the German troops began to lay down their arms and surrender to our troops en masse This is no longer an empty scrap of paper This is actual surrender of Germany's armed forces True, one group of German troops in the area of Czechoslovakia is still evading surrender But I trust that the Red Army will be able to bring it to its senses
Now we can state with full justification that the historic day of the final defeat of Germany, the day of the great victory of our people over German imperialism has come
The great sacrifices we made in the name of the freedom and independence of our Motherland, the incalculable privations and sufferings experienced by our people in the course of the war, the intense work in the rear and at the front, placed on the altar of the Motherland, have not been in vain, and have been crowned by complete victory over the enemy The age-long struggle of the Slav peoples for their existence and their independence has ended in victory over the German invaders and German tyranny
Henceforth the great banner of the freedom of the peoples and peace among peoples will fly over Europe
Three years ago Hitler declared for all to hear that his aims included the dismemberment of the Soviet Union and the wresting from it of the Caucasus, the Ukraine, Byelorussia, the Baltic lands and other areas He declared bluntly: "We will destroy Russia so that she will never be able to rise again " This was three years ago However, Hitler's crazy ideas were not fated to come true-the progress of the war scattered them to the winds In actual fact the direct opposite of the Hitlerites' ravings has taken place Germany is utterly defeated The German troops are surrendering The Soviet Union is celebrating Victory, although it does not intend either to dismember or to destroy Germany
Comrades! The Great Patriotic War has ended in our complete victory The period of war in Europe is over The period of peaceful development has begun
I congratulate you upon victory, my dear men and women compatriots!
Glory to our heroic Red Army, which upheld the independence of our Motherland and won victory over the enemy!
Glory to our great people, the people victorious!
Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in the struggle against the enemy and gave their lives for the freedom and happiness of our people!
("Stalin's War Speeches, etc " p 135)

Let us commemorate 65th Anniversary of the Victory!

dear all,
This statement is not mine but has been accepted by many communist parties around the world as being appropriate for this occasion. The Communist Party of Australia endorsed it.
by big Red Den

Let us commemorate 65th Anniversary of the Victory!
On 9 May we commemorate the 65th anniversary of the victory over Nazi-fascism - the most violent and brutal expression of the monopoly domination in a capitalist system in deep crisis – which led humankind to one of the worst catastrophes in its history, with the barbarity of concentration camps and the Second World War’s procession of death and destruction for the peoples.
The communists were in the frontline from the very first moment, mobilising and organising workers and peoples in the resistance. The anti-fascist struggle, to which millions gave their lives, was marked by the firm and determined action of communists.
The heroic contribution of the USSR, of its Red Army and of its people, which suffered around 27 million deaths, was decisive for the victory over the fascist hordes.
It was with the Victory in 1945 and the formation of the socialist camp that millions of men and women undertook their emancipation, freeing themselves from exploitation, oppression and colonialism, with the working class movement winning enormous social and political victories, on a progressive path never before attained in human history.
In the current situation, in a time of capitalism’s deep crisis in which the offensive carried out by several imperialist organisations, like NATO and the EU, is hitting so seriously the toiling masses, humankind is again facing great danger resulting from imperialism’s deepening contradictions, from the arms’ race, from the reinforcement of aggressive military alliances and from the attempt to forcefully impose the brutal increase of exploitation, precariousness in labour relations, dismissals and unemployment, poverty and the negation of the most basic necessities for millions of human beings.
We therefore appeal to the commemoration of the 65 years of the victory over Nazi-fascism, as an important action in the struggle for peace and against the monumental falsification of history and anticommunism – which, as history proves, is always anti-democratic – that, by trying to place fascism and communism on an equal footing and erase the communists’ decisive role in the peoples’ liberation from the yoke of Nazi-fascism, seeks to prosecute, to make illegal and to suppress, not just the actions of the communists but of all democrats who oppose capitalist domination and exploitation, with the purpose of pursuing and repressing all of those who, in any way, resist and fight in an organised manner against monopoly and imperialism.
For us, communists’ evoking the 65 years of the victory is to reaffirm our deep belief in the struggle for social emancipation, in the justice of our values and liberating ideals. It is a reaffirmation of our determination to fight the causes and the forces which were at the root of the fascist horror; we reaffirm our unshakeable confidence that the future does not belong to those who oppress and exploit, but to the workers and peoples who resist and fight for humankind’s emancipation from the shackles of the exploitation and for a society in which the workers fully enjoy the fruits of their labour and in which social progress, peace and welfare prevail. The future belongs not to capitalism, but to socialism and communism.
8th May 2010
The Parties
1. Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
2. Communist Party of Armenia
3. Communist Party of Azerbaijan
4. Communist Party of Australia
5. Communist Party of Belarus
6. Workers Party of Belgium
7. Communist Party of Brazil
8. Communist Party of Canada
9. Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
10. Communist Party of Chile
11. Socialist Workers Party of Croatia
12. Communist Party of Cuba
13. Communist Party in Denmark
14. Communist Party of USA
15. Communist Party of Finland
16. New Communist Party of Britain
17. Communist Party of Britain
18. German Communist Party
19. Unified Communist Party of Georgia
20. Communist Party of Greece
21. New Communist Party of the Netherlands
22. Hungarian Communist Workers Party
23. Communist Party of India (Marxist)
24. Communist Party of India
25. Tudeh Party of Iran
26. Iraqi Communist Party
27. Communist Party of Ireland
28. Communist Party of Israel
29. Communist Party of Kazakhstan
30. Communist Party Kyrgyzstan
31. Lebanese Communist Party
32. Communist Party of Luxembourg
33. Party of the Communists, Mexico
34. Palestinian Peoples Party
35. Communist Party of Pakistan
36. Peruan Communist Party
37. Philippine Communist Party (PKP-1930)
38. Portuguese Communist Party
39. Communist Party of Poland
40. Communist Party of the Russian Federation
41. Union of Communist Parties - CPSU – Russia
42. South African Communist Party
43. Communist Party of Spain
44. Party of the Communists of Catalonia
45. Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
46. Syrian Communist Party
47. Communist Party of Sweden
48. Labour Party (EMEP) Turkey
49. Communist Party of Ukraine
50. Communist Party of Venezuela

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Clive Palmer reckons Rudd is worse than Communists

Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Communists agree with Clive Palmer
Clive Palmer Queensland’s richest man has accused the Rudd government of being worse than the communists over their super profits tax. The Communist Party of Australia organiser has responded by agreeing with Mr. Palmer.
“We agree that the Rudd ALP Government is worse than any Communist Government. This is the Government that attacks construction workers and is threatening to jail them. This is the Government that is threatening teachers with huge fines if they do not obey its dictatorial commands about NAPLAN.
“Mr. Palmer’s is right when he says that the treasurer’s job is to grow the economy and create job. The Communist Party of Australia campaigns for is for a good economy for all and jobs for all.
“Mr. Palmer is also right when he says that the Government’s proposed new tax, aimed at putting forward significantly more of profits being won from high commodity prices into public coffers was policy tried by communists. It is not the policy of the Rudd Labor Government.
“It makes good sense that this money should go to the people as what the Government is taxing is the combined resources of the country. Why should anyone complain about that, unless they were pocketing millions for their own benefit? Communist Government would see that there is a fair share for all in the country from a boom not just for a select few who are called mining magnates.
“Instead the Federal Labor Government plans to put the profits into continuing the wars started by the US and into expensive war planes such as the ground attack aircraft costing a cool $3.4 billion. Mr. Palmer has proved his point the Rudd Government is worse than a communist government.
“However, Mr. Palmer would not be allowed to pocket the millions made out of the resources boom instead he would be have to take a more modest share of the income than he does now. A future Government of a Socialist Australia would not allowed magnates, and CEOs to make millions at the expense of the general good of society.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Once a Year snorkeler

Am trying to upgrade my journalism skills and have submitted the following piece to the Australian for their this life section. Am not hopeful perhaps you will find it ok

With the advent of holidays the basics of snorkelling are brought out, a mask with the tube attached, and packed. These basics are the cheapest available from a well known department store yet they allow for the most exquisite pleasure. The once-a-year snorkeler is ready. The delight in this activity has only been with me for a short time as I only discovered it 2 years ago and I am in my sixties.

Each year we go down to the South Coast of NSW where rock pools abound for our summer holidays. As soon as possible I slowly lower myself into the water and glide over the rock pools and enter the most fabulous place even though I am just an observer from above while this wonderful world spreads itself out below my slowly moving form.

The rock pools stretch over vastly different terrain unlike any seen on shore yet vaguely familiar. There are valleys and deserts with heavily forested sides that sway with a rhythm of the water washing around rocks and the tides.

The rocks form huge sink holes that are fathoms deep and while inviting look dangerous and mysterious, I glide over those and wonder what is down there but I haven’t the skill or courage to go into those holes. The rocks themselves are attacked by red algae that make them all shades of pink and reds and give the extra touch to a totally different world.

The vegetation that goes by the common name of seaweed comes in many shapes, sizes and colour. There are the succulents types with small baubles of liquid while the leaves of other plants vary from thin wavy to sharply angled edged appearances not unlike holly. The colour of plants are mostly a yellowy brown but there are variations here as well with strong greens and occasionally other colours.

The cares of the world fall away as this world opens up and a silence descends that is new and a fascinating array of creatures glide past and the sun sends dappled patterns to illuminate the rock pools.

With tender city feet my body searches out for the sandy bits where it is easy to put your feet and stand up for a breather yet these areas viewed from goggles are the deserts of the rock pool. Nothing is growing there and creatures that cross those areas do so in a hurry in case they become prey to whatever is around.

The creatures of the pool make the experience highly memorable as they show off their iridescent colours and patterns but being a nursery for their bigger siblings probably way out in the ocean these infant or adolescent fish show off their amazing prowess from languidly wrapping themselves in seaweed so they are perfectly camouflaged or darting from rock shelves to another hideout over exposed sand. They can be in small schools of the same size or singly inspecting the inspector now and then a large fish darts by or even a huge Groper will inspect the interloper.

This tired and care worn city worker just appreciates the opportunity to enter this world and wile away the hours to recharge for a year of hard work by viewing this world of wonders.